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Part II. Other matters considered by the Security Council 



At its 1565th meeting, on 9 February 1971, the 
Council decided to refer the application of Bhutan 61 
for membership in the United Nations to the Com¬ 
mittee on the Admission of New Members for exami¬ 
nation and report, as provided in rule 59 of the provi¬ 
sional rules of procedure. 

At its 1566th meeting, on 10 February 1971, the 
Council decided to invite the representatives of India 
and Pakistan to participate, without vote, in the discus¬ 
sion of the question. 

Resolution 292 (1971) 
of 10 February 1971 

The Security Council , 

Having examined the application of Bhutan 61 for 
admission to the United Nations, 

Recommends to the General Assembly that Bhutan 
be admitted to membership in the United Nations. 

Adopted unanimously at the 
1566th meeting. 


At its 1574th meeting, on 16 August 1971, the 
Council decided to refer the applications of Oman 62 
and Bahrain 63 for membership in the United Nations to 
the Committee on the Admission of New Members for 
examination and report. 

60 Resolutions or decisions on this question were also adopted 
by the Council in 1946, 1947, 1948, 1949, 1950, 1952, 1955, 
1956, 1957, 1958, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 
1967, 1968 and 1970. 

61 See Official Records of the Security Council, Twenty-fifth 
Year, Supplement for October, November and December 1970 , 
document S/10050. 

62 Ibid., Twenty-sixth Year, Supplement for April , May and 
June 1971 , document S/10216. 

63 Ibid., Supplement for July, August and September 1971 , 
document S/10291. 

Resolution 296 (1971) 
of 18 August 1971 

The Security Council, 

Having examined the application of Bahrain 63 for 
admission to the United Nations, 

Welcomes the application of Bahrain and recom¬ 
mends to the General Assembly that Bahrain be ad¬ 
mitted to membership in the United Nations. 

Adopted unanimously at the 
1575th meeting. 


At its 1577th meeting, on 14 September 1971, the 
Council decided to refer the application of Qatar 64 for 
membership in the United Nations to the Committee 
on the Admission of New Members for examination 
and report. 

At its 1578th meeting, on 15 September 1971, the 
Council decided to invite the representative of the 
People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen to participate, 
without vote, in the discussion of the question. 

Resolution 297 (1971) 
of 15 September 1971 

The Security Council , 

Having examined the application of Qatar 64 for ad¬ 
mission to the United Nations, 

Recommends to the General Assembly that Qatar be 
admitted to membership in the United Nations. 

Adopted unanimously at the 
1578th meeting. 


At its 1587th meeting, on 30 September 1971, the 
Council decided to invite the representative of the 

64 Ibid., document S/10306.